Families and Communities
Partnerships for Health knows that it takes a team to care for a person living with dementia. In today’s constantly connected world, many resources exist for families, caregivers, and communities.
Local, national, and international resources are available for families managing dementia. By using a search engine with specific wording, such as, “How do I find a local dementia care support group?” you will easily find resources online. Also, visit Partnerships for Health’s blog posts to stay informed and learn new tips.
Partnerships for Health offers the following resources that can guide you in a wide range of situations and help you find assistance in your community:
- Dementia Alliance of North Carolina – In addition to the Alliance’s many community programs, resources, and an extensive list of support groups statewide, Dementia Navigators provide free personalized consulting for family caregivers in North Carolina. https://dementianc.org/
- The Alzheimer’s Association-https://www.alz.org/hel-support/i-have-alz/live-well/helping-family-friends
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services–https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and-Certification/SurveyCertificationGenInfo/National-Partnership-Dementia-Care-Resources
- Dementia Care Central- https://www.dementiacarecentral.com/caregiverinfo/careforcaregivers/support/
Helpful Resources
- RetireGuide – A free web resource dedicated to providing useful information to help older adults, published an easy-to-understand guide about Medicare and Alzheimer’s Disease. This free resource provides information about typical coverage throughout each stage of the disease.retireguide.com/medicare/coverage/conditions-and-treatments/alzheimer-disease/